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Shasta, Mount, 39
Shaw, Artie, 148
Shaw, Irwin, 86, 87, 90
Shearer, Norma (Mrs. Marti Arrouge), 117, 119
Sheean, Vincent, 181
Sheraton-Park Hotel, Washington, 190
Shields, Cornelius, 215
Shore, Dinah, 48
Short, Bobby, 146
Shriver, Sargent, 63
Sierre Madre Occidental, Mexico, 132
Simenon, Georges, 89
Simon, Mrs. Leo (“Aye” Annenberg), 202–203
Simpson, Wesley, 162
Simpson, Mrs. Wesley (Adele), 162
Sinatra, Frank, 203
Skidmore, Owings & Merrill, 153
Slater, Denniston L., 220
Slater, Mrs. Denniston L. (Anne Kerr), 220, 256
Smith, Stephen, 233
Smith College, 171
Smithsonian Institution, 221–222
social climbing, 4–5, 253–260
Social Register, 12, 98, 235, 258
Sod, West Virginia, 58–59
Somerset Club, Boston, 229, 230, 235
Sommer, Elke, 48
Sosland, Mr. and Mrs. Morton, 19
Sothern, Ann, 117, 120, 121
Southampton, New York, 4
Southern Pacific Railroad, 30
Southern Pines, North Carolina, 73–83, 97; fox-hunting in, 74, 75–77, 97; conservatism of, 81; Negroes in, 83
Southern Trail (Castro family yacht), 43, 44
Southport, Connecticut, 96, 97–98, 99, 101, 104–106; Southport Car, 106
“Spanglish,” 135
Spencer, Mrs. Kenneth, 10–11, 21
Spencer Chemical Company, 11
Speyer, Jerry, 152
Spiegel, Clara, 127
Spock, Dr. Benjamin, 206
Stamford, Connecticut, 96
Standard Oil Company, 56, 69, 105
Staples High School, Westport, 107
Stapleton, Maureen, 192
Starr, Malcolm, 168
State Department, 63
“State teaspoon” promotion, Milwaukee News, 204
Steers, George, 217
Steinbeck, John, 149
Stephens, Olin, 223
Stevens, Jocelyn, 210
Stevens, John Cox, 216–217
Stevens, Risë, 176
Stewart, Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy, 118
Stickelber, David, 17, 19
Stockdale Country Club, California, 33
Stockton, California, 25
Stoddard, Arthur, 120
Straus, R. Peter, 233
Strawbridge, William, 223
Strong, Mrs. Marianne (“Mimi”), 192, 255
“Sunnylands,” Annenbergs’ California estate, 203
Sun Valley, Idaho, 113–128; topography of, 114–115; early development of, 115; naming of, 116; emotional appeal of, 116–118; economics of, 118–120; sale and new “image” of, 120–121, 125, 127; divorce trade in, 122
Sun Valley (formerly Challenger) Inn, 125, 126
Sun Valley Lodge, 117, 118, 126
Superstar, Viva, 181
Sutherland, Joan, 88, 89
Sutter Buttes (“World’s Smallest Mountain Range”), California, 38
Sutter’s Mill, California, 27
Swanson, Gloria, 86
Swimming Hall of Fame, Fort Lauderdale, 50
Switzerland, 85–93; service in, 84–86; doctors in, 86–87; government of, 87; income taxes in, 87, 89–91
Tallahassee, Florida, 228
Talmud, quoted, 207
Tarrytown, New York, 59
Tavern Club, Boston, 230
Taylor, Elizabeth (Mrs. Richard Burton), 90, 91, 92, 136–137, 141, 205; chili recipe of, 193–194
Taylor, Gary, 162, 167, 169, 171–172
Taylor, Mrs. Gary. See Goodman, Mary Ann
Taylor, June, 43
Taylor, Maxwell, 63
Tevis family, California, 32–33
Thomas, Danny, 48
Thoroughbred Racing Association, 208
Thurber, James, 149
Tierney, Lawrence, 148
Time, Inc., 104
Tin Whistle Club, Pinehurst, 80, 81
Tishman, Robert, 151, 152
Tishman Realty and Construction Company, 149, 151–153, 156
Tornabene, Mrs. Lyn, 249, 250
Trail Creek Lodge, Sun Valley, 127
Trapp, Baroness Maria von, and The Sound of Music, 176
Triangle Publications, Inc., 204
Trigère, Pauline, 194
Trissell, Julia, 167
Trouville, France, 247
Tuchman, Lester R., 109–110
Tuchman, Mrs. Lester R. (Barbara W.), 109–110
Tufts, James W., 78–79
Tufts family, Pinehurst, 78–79
Tufts University, gift to, 78
Tulum, Mexico, 141
Turf & Field Club, 236
Tuxedo Club, 234
TV Guide, 204
TWA, 11
Udall, Stewart, 34
Ufland’s, 162, 163
Uhlmann, Mr. and Mrs. Paul, 19
Union Club, New York, 230, 231, 234
Union League Club, New York, 236
Union Pacific Railroad, 114, 115, 119–120
Unionville, Pennsylvania, 193
United States Department of the Interior, 34; of State, 63
United States Embassy, London. See American Embassy
Universal Rating Rule (America’s Cup), 219–220
University Club, New York, 233, 234, 236
Untermeyer, Louis, 178
Upper Brookville, Long Island, 236
Ustinov, Peter, 89
Val d’Isère, France, 3
Valiant (yacht), 223
Valkyrie III (yacht), 219
Vanderbilt, Gloria (Mrs. Wyatt Cooper), 188–190
Vanderbilt, Harold S., 221
Vanderbilt family, 253
“Venice of America,” (Fort Lauderdale), 46
Vevey, Switzerland, 86, 87, 88, 248
Victoria, Queen, 216
Viertel, Peter, 91, 92
Viertel, Mrs. Peter. See Kerr, Deborah
Visalia, California, 27
Wakefield, Humphrey, 164
Wakeman, Mr. and Mrs. William, 3
Walker, Alan S., 177
Walker, Robert, 182–183
Walpole, Horace, biographer of, 31
Warhol, Andy, 16, 180–181, 183
War Memorial Auditorium, Fort Lauderdale, 52
Washington Monthly, 64
Watson, Thomas J., Jr., 104
Wayne, David, 100
Weatherly (yacht), 221, 223
Weber family, Stockton, California, 25
Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary, 190
Weeks, Edward, 178
Weidman, Jerome, 100
Weingarten, Mrs. Seth (Wallis Annenberg), 200
Weissmuller, Johnny, 50
Welles, Orson, 90
Wertheim, Maurice, 109
Wertheim & Company, 109
Wertheim family, 109–110
Westminster Kennel Club, 236
Weston, Connecticut, 96, 100, 103, 107, 109; town meetings in, 101
Westport, Connecticut, 96, 99–101, 105, 106, 108
Westport Garden Club, Kansas City, 18
West Southern Pines, North Carolina, 83
West Virginia, 55–70
Westwood Village, Los Angeles, 120
Wherry, Senator (Kenneth S.), 22
White’s (club), London, 237
“Whitey” (bookie), 161
Whitney, Mrs. Cornelius Vanderbilt, 164
Whitney, Helen. See Gibson, Mrs. Harvey Dow
Who’s Who, Blanchette Rockefeller in, 62
Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, 181–182
William Holden (tax) Law, 90–91
Williams, Mr. and Mrs. Andy, 118, 125
Williams, Van, 118
Williamsburg, Virginia, 61
Willkie, Wendell, 233
r /> Wilmarth, Martin, 26
Windsor, Duke of, 168, 191, 256
Windsor, Duchess of, 164, 191, 244, 256
Wirtz, Willard, 34
Wister, Bill, 63
Wolves Club, Pinehurst, 80, 81
Women’s Liberation Front, 156, 171
Women’s Wear Daily, 118, 124, 192, 256
Worcester Country Club, 227
World’s Fair (Great Britain), 216
“World’s Largest Oak” (California), 37
“World’s Smallest Mountain Range” (California), 38
Worth, Lake, Florida, 215–216
Wyler, Mr. and Mrs. William, 118
yachting: in Fort Lauderdale, 43–44, 46–47, 49, 53; as sport of corporations, 5; America’s Cup, 215–224
Yale, 63, 165, 170, 233; School of Forestry, 162, 171
Yelapa, Mexico, 137
You Know I Can’t Hear You When the Water’s Running, 47
Young, Mrs. Robert R., 256
Yucatán, Mexico, 141
Zihuatenejo, Mexico, 138–141
All rights reserved, including without limitation the right to reproduce this ebook or any portion thereof in any form or by any means, whether electronic or mechanical, now known or hereinafter invented, without the express written permission of the publisher.
Copyright © 1967, 1968, 1969, 1970, 1971, 1972, 1973 by Stephen Birmingham
Cover design by Olivia Brodtman
ISBN: 978-1-5040-4108-9
This edition published in 2016 by Open Road Integrated Media, Inc.
180 Maiden Lane
New York, NY 10038